Presently, living has
changed the dimension with the introduction of the Internet to mankind, ways
people connect to each other, advertising, shopping, education, etc.
Consequently, system security has become the most important issue for any
websites since there are many methods used to intrude the system over the
internet. People have developed techniques, systems, programs and software
systems that can replace a normal human being to do a job; such kinds of jobs
include entering of data into systems, generate data automatically, handling
events that occur on or within a system. As a matter of fact, web sites must
ensure that the services are supplied to legitimate human users rather than
bots to prevent service abuse. To thwart automated attacks, services often ask
users to solve a puzzle before being given access to a service. Human
Interactive Proofs (HIPs), focus on automation tests that virtually all humans
can pass but current computer programs fail. Completely Automated Public Turing
test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) was an acronym that was
coined in 2000. It is a type of challenge-response test that only a human
completes successfully
CAPTCHAs are designed to be simple problems that can be
quickly solved by humans, but are difficult for computers to solve. Using
Captchas, services can distinguish legitimate users from computer bots while
requiring minimal effort by the human user . In the procedure, a computer or a
program creates a test for its user, who is expected to be a human. The test is
meant for the humans, that is, it is to be solvable only by humans and not any
other machine, system or program. The user is required to provide a correct
response to the test and then the user is permitted to access the work. When a
correct response is received, it is presumed that the response arrived because
of a human user. CAPTCHA techniques have been classified into four categories:
- Text based Captcha. - Audio based Captcha. - Image based Captcha. - Video
based Captcha. Each type is suitable to serve different group of users.